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03 February, 2024

LAW501 Aziz works for Mobapps Limited, producing apps for mobile telephones: Equity and Trusts Assignment, UAE
Task 4 
Aziz works for Mobapps Limited, producing apps for mobile telephones. He is on a three-year contract to develop new apps, which requires him not to work for any other app or software development companies during his contract and six months after the end of his contract. One year into his contract, Aziz accepts a job with Comp Software co. who develop bespoke computer software for businesses. When Aziz leaves, Mobapps finds that all the material relating to the ap...


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03 February, 2024

LAW501 Kasper is a trustee of the Lantry Charitable Trust. In February 2019, he draws £10,000: Equity and Trusts Assignment, UAE
Task 3
Kasper is a trustee of the Lantry Charitable Trust. In February 2019, he draws £10,000 of the trust’s money (in breach of the trust) and pays it into his own bank account in which he already has £10,000 of his own money. A month later, he bought shares for £7,000 using money from his account. A week later he withdrew £7,000 and bought a car. The next month, he withdraws £5,000 which he gives to his son Ben to...


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03 February, 2024

LAW501 On finding out he was terminally ill in January 2019, James decided: Equity and Trusts Assignment, UAE
Task 2 On finding out he was terminally ill in January 2019, James decided to distribute some of his wealth before his death.
● James tells his brother, Martin, that he is giving him the shares that he holds in Neptune Limited to provide an income for him to set up his own business. Martin resigns from his job to set up the business.
● On a visit to his nephew, Peter (aged 12), James hands over his grandfather’s medals saying that Peter should hav...


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03 February, 2024

LAW501 Write an essay on the flexible and continually developing nature of equity: Equity and Trusts Assignment, UAE
Task 1 
Write an essay on the flexible and continually developing nature of equity. Your essay should:
● Explain key historical events leading to the development of Equity. (AC1.1)
● Examine the relationship between law and equity. (AC1.2)
● Explain the meaning of equitable maxims. (AC1.3)
● Analyse the features of constructive trusts. (AC2.1)


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Looking For Plagiarism Free Answers For Your Sri Lanka College/ University Assignments.


03 February, 2024

LAW404 Discuss the creation of legislation and the rules, structures, and procedures: Public Law Assignment, UAE
Task 2 
Discuss the creation of legislation and the rules, structures, and procedures that relate to parliament and the legislature in relation to UK law. In your answer, you must:
● Illustrate the passage of an Act of Parliament. 
● Explain the meaning of the ‘royal prerogative’. 
● Assess the limits of parliamentary sovereignty. 
● Evaluate reforms to the judicial appointment system. 
● Illustrate the impa...


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03 February, 2024

LAW404 Discuss the extent to which there is a constitution and separation of powers in the UK: Public Law Assignment, UAE
Discuss the extent to which there is a constitution and separation of powers in the UK. In your answer, you must:
● Explain the history and origins of the UK constitutional system. 
● Assess the role of the UK constitution. 
● Evaluate the characteristics of the UK constitutional system. 
● Explain the distinct roles of the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary.
● Assess the significance of the separation of powers principle. 


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Looking For Plagiarism Free Answers For Your Sri Lanka College/ University Assignments.


02 February, 2024

CST2560 Using the 7-S model/ structure, make notes on what you think are the important issues: project management Course Work, UAE

Complete the following assignment components:

02 February, 2024

LAW403 Explain the importance of a bundle in mooting exercises: legal methods Assignment, UAE
Task 3 - 650 words
Mooting exercise
In preparation for a mooting exercise, you are asked to analyze the following scenario applying relevant cases and statutory provisions: Harry Pollard is a delivery driver for builder’s merchants. When delivering to a large construction site, he witnessed the collapse and subsequent fire in a building in which several people were working. He witnessed the incident from the site office and was not close enough to be in any physical danger but saw so...


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Looking For Plagiarism Free Answers For Your Sri Lanka College/ University Assignments.


02 February, 2024

LAW403 You are asked to prepare an analysis of a case and explain how judicial precedent works in the English courts: legal methods Assignment, UAE
Task 2 
Case analysis
You are asked to prepare an analysis of a case and explain how judicial precedent works in the English courts. The case you need to analyse and refer to in this exercise is Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police (1992) which is a case related to the Hillsborough Stadium disaster in 1989. You can find the full case report at: In your case analysis, you must:
● Expl...


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02 February, 2024

LAW403 You are employed in a law firm and have been asked to prepare notes on the law and legal system: legal methods Assignment, UAE
Task 1 
Law lecture notes
You are employed in a law firm and have been asked to prepare notes on the law and legal system in the UK for a talk that one of the partner’s has been asked to give to prospective law students. You should include relevant legislation and cases to illustrate your points where appropriate. You need to produce a file of notes for the lecture. In the file, you must:
● Distinguish between primary, secondar...


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02 February, 2024

Using the WIDA writing rubric, give each student a writing score for their writing assignment: Sheltered English Essay, UAE

Writing Analysis

Review the table below. The following breakdown includes the scores and dates of arrival for two 4th-grade students. Scores are from WIDA ACCESS 2.0 January 2020

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